Analysis Listing

Are experts helping to resolve the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan? – Mikayel Zolyan & Shahin Hajiyev

Experts and political analysts have played and continue to play an important role in facilitating understanding of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Although the media and other public platforms are full of reports and opinions which distort the facts, political analysis nevertheless has an influence, directly or indirectly shaping public opinion and...

The conflict in Nagorny Karabakh has undergone several attempts at resolution. Citizens of Armenia and Azerbaijan have repeatedly tried to establish communication through unofficial channels – through ‘Track 2 Diplomacy’. But the question arises: how effective are civilian peacebuilding projects and initiatives, and what should we expect from so-called ‘people’s...

“Our conflict mirrors one another”

The intelligentsia holds a crucial role in shaping the social and cultural fabric of their nations, crafting new meanings, images, and trends that define national identity. But are they prepared to take responsibility for fostering a peaceful future in the South Caucasus? This question is explored by Doctor of Philosophy...