A ‘Woman’s Work’: Strengthening Women’s Access to Benefits after the Second Nagorny Karabakh War

A collaborative policy brief to identify and explore the gendered elements of women’s access to benefits after the second Nagorny-Karabakh war

  • Published: March 1, 2022
  • Type: Research

The exclusion of women’s perspectives and priorities at the policy level after the second Nagorny-Karabakh war contributed to the lack of action by both international and local decision-makers to protect and promote women’s rights. This report fills that gap by making the effects of the conflict on women visible and providing gendered analysis of the most pressing issues.

The aim is to highlight women’s needs and priorities, and influence the development gender-responsive policies in the post-war period. These should contribute to women’s meaningful participation in dialogue and socioeconomic recovery processes, confidence-building and conflict-transformation efforts.