
A selection of peacebuilding initiatives

The Caucasus Peacebuilding Portal gathers together information, stories and research about peacebuilding initiatives undertaken in the South Caucasus, particularly those addressing the Armenian-Azerbaijani and Nagorny Karabakh conflict.

The portal showcases civil society peacebuilding efforts and their outputs, which have been supported by the EU within the framework of the European Partnership for the Peaceful Settlement of the Nagorny Karabakh Conflict (EPNK) programme (2016-2019) and EU4Peace (2020-present). The EU has continuously supported civic peacebuilding throughout this period.

On the portal you will find research reports produced by local and international peacebuilding organisations, as well as the latest analysis on the conflict, produced by experts involved in Armenian-Azerbaijani dialogue initiatives. A crucial part of any peacebuilding initiative are the stories of people whose lives have been impacted by the conflict. The portal presents stories of people with lived experience of the South Caucasus conflicts, produced as part of the Armenian-Azerbaijani TRAJECTORIES.


Building peace is a complex process involving many obstacles and opposing positions. The key aim is to build relationships and trust across the conflict divide, encouraging dialogue between a broad range of Armenian and Azerbaijani policy-makers, media and civil society, including those from Nagorny Karabakh.

The EU has supported a number of peacebuilding efforts in the region, which have been carried out by European and local NGOs. To increase confidence in peacebuilding efforts, initiatives have focused on the following:

  • increasing people’s participation in a peaceful resolution of the conflict, especially marginalised groups;
  • building confidence and trust between all sides of the conflict through increased contact between all stakeholders;
  • encouraging fresh analysis and new ideas that challenge existing thinking on the conflict and seek to promote peace; and
  • encouraging civil society to play an active part in the dialogue with policy-makers at national and international levels around how to resolve the Armenia-Azerbaijani conflict peacefully.

Photographic content

The photographs on the portal have been taken by Armenian and Azerbaijani photographers. They are meant to illustrate the lives of people affected by the conflict, not to indicate their involvement in the initiatives described. Any place names attached to the photographs were those used by the people depicted in the images to describe the places they live in. They are not intended to imply a particular position on the status of those places.